"The Pennington Research Association, Inc. (PRA) "Board of Directors have reluctantly decided to dissolve the Pennington Research Association, Inc. We started this discussion in 2020 and hope to complete all actions no later than March 1, 2022.. While the PRA is dissolving, it won't be until March 1, 2022"
NEWS! - DNA Link to Muncaster Castle found with the Mulcaster and Heard families in Ontario.
I was contacted by the Pennington Research Association for a second time in 2015 regarding DNA research and information regarding a Robert Heard and his connection to the Penningtons of Muncaster and the close DNA relationship to Mulcaster. The number of markers was increased to 67 in the DNA test done by our male Mulcaster volunteer in order to determine a more definitive result. The results did prove quite exciting - at least for the Heard and Mulcaster family.
DNA testing (67 Markers) of a male Mulcaster descended from Edward Mulcaster and Esther Cottrell showed strong ancestral connections to England, Scotland and Norway.
The connection to Mr. Heard and therefore Muncaster Castle and Gamel de Pennington and then the connection to Norway seems to further link the Mulcaster family to the Penningtons. Gamel which is an old Norse common name is said to have married that daughter of Ulf, a prominent Norse landholder. In the Domesday Book there are four landholding men with the name Gamel (or Gamal) recorded, including a father and son with considerable holdings. All of them held property in middle England, mostly to the west.
NEWS! - DNA Link to Muncaster Castle found with the Mulcaster and Heard families in Ontario.
I was contacted by the Pennington Research Association for a second time in 2015 regarding DNA research and information regarding a Robert Heard and his connection to the Penningtons of Muncaster and the close DNA relationship to Mulcaster. The number of markers was increased to 67 in the DNA test done by our male Mulcaster volunteer in order to determine a more definitive result. The results did prove quite exciting - at least for the Heard and Mulcaster family.
- Baron Muncaster Bloodline Male Pennington Likely Found Heard-Pennington Connection
(Blog Entry and research information regarding Mulcaster & Heard removed from the website) - by Guye Pennington - Research and editorial assistance by Dr. Nick Penington
- Group 27 Pennington Pennington Research Association deleted this group from their site in the past year or so.
- Information from the Pennington Research Association Website before it was deleted -
DNA testing (67 Markers) of a male Mulcaster descended from Edward Mulcaster and Esther Cottrell showed strong ancestral connections to England, Scotland and Norway.
The connection to Mr. Heard and therefore Muncaster Castle and Gamel de Pennington and then the connection to Norway seems to further link the Mulcaster family to the Penningtons. Gamel which is an old Norse common name is said to have married that daughter of Ulf, a prominent Norse landholder. In the Domesday Book there are four landholding men with the name Gamel (or Gamal) recorded, including a father and son with considerable holdings. All of them held property in middle England, mostly to the west.